Awesome guys keep the updates coming! Went to the manufacturer of the CHT guages today, turns out the brand new CHT is over-reading in an exponential manner, gaaaaaaaaah *&^#*&^* Worst part is that the idiot did not seem fazed when I told him it cost me a trip of a lifetime, as well as some money. Lesson learned is to not make significant changes a week before a long trip. Safe flying guys
Awesome guys keep the updates coming! Went to the manufacturer of the CHT guages today, turns out the brand new CHT is over-reading in an exponential manner, gaaaaaaaaah *&^#*&^* Worst part is that the idiot did not seem fazed when I told him it cost me a trip of a lifetime, as well as some money. Lesson learned is to not make significant changes a week before a long trip. Safe flying guys