Friday, March 18, 2011


 Our bedrooms,and bikes being worked on, at Koket hotel,Moyale
 Hows this for ant technology???  Hi rise??

 Oasis hotel, awassa
Modern buildings under construction,with fancy scaffolding!

 Monkeys in the city!


  1. Hi Larry and Sharon,
    How are you? Motorbikes repaired? Are Sharon's ribs ok? we met a few weeks ago at the Hairy Lemon in Uganda; Jan en Marieke, the Dutch couple who will travel from Uganda to south africa from july till september. We would like to stay in touch, our e-mail adres is Enjoy the rest of your trip, we'll follow your blog.
    Jan and Marieke

  2. Mmmh can believe you would rather go to see the mountains and animals instead of the "tribes"...;)

    I think the monkeys are green monkeys, very similar to our vervets. Hopefully you will see the Geladas in the mountains.
